St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)

FRIDAY, JANUARY 18. PAGE TEN Teachers Play Mankato T. C. Here Tonight-Techs, Cathedrals Travel Mr. and Mrs.

V. B. Knapp, wno The flu is again visiting our neigh FARRELL SHOWS FORM IN FLORIDA Brooten CONFERENCE MIX FINDS LYNCHMEN FAVORED TO COP McCormick Lake Miss Dorothy Tank who has spent the month visiting with relatives, left for her home at Hollywood, Cal. C. F.

Botz left Sunday for St. Cloud where he will serve on the jury. Leo Demro and Henry Lloyd made business trip to St. Cloud Wednes day. George Grundman and Alfred Bosl made a business trip to' St.

Paul Tuesday. Charles Le Count of Villard took supper with Harry Knapp Thursday Mr. and Mrs. George Schurmann were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.

John Mondloch Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bosl and family spent Sunday evening with the Iwin ski family. FEATURES ON THE AIR Friday, Jan.

13 Central Standard Time 7 00 Orchestra and Cavaliers; Symphonic Features WEAF WTAM WWJ KYW KSD WOW WDAP KVOO WFAA KOA WOC and Now; Popular Songs of Yesterday and Today WOR WMAQ KMOX KOIL WKRC WCCO 8:00 Review; instrumental and Vocal WJZ KDKA WLW WJR KTW KWK WREN KSTP KVOO WFAA KPRC WOAI WHAS WSM WSB KOA KSL KGO KPO KFI KGW KOMO KHQ WEBC S-30 Lisht Opera; Operetta Excerpts WJZ KDKA WJR WLW KTW KWK WREN WTMJ KOA WHAS WSM WMG WSB KVOO WFAA KPRC WOAI KPO KGO KGW KOMO KFI KHQ KSL, KSTP WOC 9:00 Challengers WJZ KDKA KWK KOA WHAS WSB WJR WLW WSB KVOO WOAI KSL, KPO KGO KFI KHQ KOMO KTW WTMJ WMC Johnny Farrell. national open the link In Florida this winter, golf champion, has been busy on came up from St. Paul Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Demro returned to their home Thursday evening. Mrs.

Will Reese called on Mrs. Ray Walker Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Demro and Ar-leigh Demro returned to their home Sunday, after attending the funeral of their father Charles Demro.

Charles Koran and son Will, made a business trip to the cities Monday. -Elmer Tank of Ray, N. spent from Monday to Friday with Frank Tank and other relatives. Mrs. Elizabeth Gangl of Stark Weather, N.

was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Botz Saturday.

Mr. Botz and Mrs. Gangl are cousins. Mr. and Mrs.

John Golly are the proud parents of a baby boy, born January 14. 9:13 Concert Orchestra 10:00 Amos-Andy; Orchestr 11:20 Dance hrs.) 428.3 WLW Cincinnati 700 7:30 Sonada; Mansfield Lee 8:00 R. F. D. Program 9:00 Hawaiians; Jack Jean 9:30 Singers 10:00 Dance Musio (1 hrs.) 260.2 WTAM-WEAR Cleveland 1070 6:00 Hotel Orchestra 7:00 National Orchestra 8:00 Old Timers 9:00 Tunes of Broadwaj 10:00 Dance Musio 299.8 WHO Des Moines 10M 6:00 News; Studio Program 6:30 Feature Program 7:00 National Orchestra 8:00 To Be Announced 9:00 Tunes of Broadway 10:00 Dance Hour 11:00 Saturday Night Feature 398.8 WCX-WJR Detroit 750 6:30 Thirty Minutes from Broadway 7:00 Dance; Potpourri 8:00 Old Dances 9:00 WJR Artist Bureau 10:00 Amos: News: Dance 389.4 KFAB Lincoln 770 4:00 Orchestra 6:00 Sloganeers 7:00 Studio Program 10:09 Orchestra 370.2 WCCO Minneapolis-St.

Paul ftl 6:00 Pianist; Dinner Concert Musio Box Trio 7:30 Philosophies; Old Producer 8:00 Musical Programs (2 hrs.) 10:05 Dance Orchestra 263 KVOO Tulsa 1t40 6:00 Sunday School Lesson 8:00 Feature Program 9:00 Tunes of Broadway News From Oar Neighbors FEATURES ON THE AIR Saturday, Jan. 19 Central Standard Time 2:30 Demonstration Hour; Musical Presentation WJZ KDKA WLW WJR KYW KWK WTMJ KSTP WOW WDAF KVOO WFAA KPRC WOAI WHAS WMC WSB KOA WOC 7:00 National Orchestra; Walter Damrosch, Conductor WEAF KGO WGY WWJ KSD WOW KOA WHAS KSL, KPO KHQ WTAM KKI KGW WHO WKT 8:30 Mildred Hunt with Marimba Orchestra WEAF WGT WWJ KSD 9:00 Tunes of Broadway; Recent Tunes WEAF WTAM WWJ WGN KSD WOW WSB WDAF KVOO WFAA KPRC WOAI KOA WTMJ WGT WHAS WMC KSL KHQ KPO KGO KFI KGW KOMO KSTP WHO borhood, Jess Whippers, Ted Witen- ens and Tony Pearson are all sick with it now. Altho in a very mild form it causes a few days illness. A large crowd from here attended the party for Lillian Dahl at ner home last Friday. Dancing was en joyed and all reported a most enjoy able time.

Dr. Kingsbury of Clearwater passed through our locality last Wednesday. John Gohman started to cut ice on Briggs lake Tuesday with his saw rig. Ice was reported as being unusually thick and of good quality. Mrs.

J. M. Anderson entertained a company of friends Thursday eve ning in honor of Miss Clara tt.aik-man of Chicago, who has been spend ing the holidays here. Cards were played and the high score going to Mrs. J.

H. Arnold and A. E. Edwards of St. Cloud.

Consolation prizes went to P. A. Weis and Mrs. L. J.

McDon aid. Refreshments were served at a late hour. St. George Henry and Mabel Kromatka went back to the Foley high school Monday after spending their vacation at their home here. Mrs.

M. D. Foster and family have been sick with the flu for the past week. Leonard O'Keefe returned to his home at Stevens Point, Saturday after spending tne holidays at the home of Mrs. J.

P. Corrigan. Little Marcelle, T-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Carlin died Tues day morning as a result of scarlet fever.

Surviving are his parents and four brothers. Funeral services were held privately Tuesday afternoon at St. Patrick's church. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs.

Carlin in their bereavement. School opened in district 7, Mon day after a two week's vacation. Mrs. Gene Lawrence and Miss El mer Ketcham motored to St. Cloud Wednesday afternoon.

Edward and Dominic Kaproth are sick with the flu. Dave Murray of Foley is working for Ernest Corrigan. Mrs. Frank Moore is recovering af ter an eight weeks sieze of the flu and rheumatism. Foreston About 22 young people surprised Mr.

and Mrs. Ira Deuel at their home Saturday evening. Cards were played at five tables and prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nielsen, Miss Maud Morgan and Mrs.

Henry Harsh- man. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Anderson died at their home west of Foreston, Saturday. The baby had been sick for about a week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lynch and sons were Sunday dinner guests at the P.

C. Lynch home. Miss Teresa Neumann and broth er, Richard, entertained a few young people at their home Sunday evening. William Lard and E. W.

Swenson of Foley were business callers at the Foreston State bank last Thursday. Robert Beaver is reported on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peabody en tertained a few couples at their home last Friday evening.

Cards were play ed at two tables, prizes being award ed to James Chisholm, Mrs. E. C. Mills and P. C.

Lynch. Harry Otos was a business caller in St. Cloud last Thursday. The card party given by the St, Louis Catholic church last Tuesday evening in the hall was very well at tended. Another one will be held in two weeks.

Belgrade The following were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Westergard Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Sam Jensen, Mr.

and Mrs Louis Jensen, and the P. J. Westergard, Emanuel Miller and Ervin Borchart families. Miss Dora Borchert of Minneapoll is spending her vacation with her folks west of town. Martin Westergard left for Min neapolis last week, where he will be employed for some time.

P. J. Westergard and T. N. Thorn sen were callers at the Paulson broth ers home Monday evening.

Peder Paulson came home from St Cloud Sunday evening where he has been serving on the Jury for more than a month. visited at the T. Thomsen home Sunday evening. The Crow Lake ladies aid was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs Sam Paulson Wednesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jensen, Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Arnott Mr. and Mrs. Herman Westergard and the Ernest Borchert family were en tertained at the P. Jensen home Tuesday evening a Miss Viola Jensen, Buster Overturf and Mad3 Pederson were entertained at Rierr Halgrimson home Sunday afternoon. Nels Jensen visited with Jacob Jensen Wednesday afternoon.

Clifford Baalson bad his arm broken last week while trying to start We car. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Jensen and family were entertained at the Henry Johnson home Sunday afternoon. Mrs.

B. S. J. Sund, wife of Rev. Sund pastor of Our Saviors church in Brooten is reported very low.

She suffered a stroke several weeks ago and since then has been with her daughter Mrs. Slocumb at Belgrade at the hospital of her son-in-law, Dr. Slocumb. Mr. and Mrs.

Jacob Jensen visited with the N. M. Jensen family in Warner Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.

Peter Matenbergen attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Oldenkamp of Ogilvie on Saturday, returning home Monday. John TeBrake and Miss Jennis Slyskstra were married at the Chris tian Reformed church at Brooten at 11 o'clock Wednesday by Rev. Grott. The bride wore an all white silk crepe dress, trimmed with Span ish lace.

The bridesmaid was a sis ter of the bridegrjom, Miss Dena TeBrake. She wore a dress of Bilk flat crepe, orchid colored. The best man was a brother of the bridegroom, William TeBrake. After the wedding ceremony 75 guests were invited to a dinner at the bridegroom's home by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. B. Te Brake. In the evening about 40 young people were entertained at a lunch served at a later hour. The bride was presented with many beautiful gifts The young couple will make their home on a farm three miles west of Brooten on March 1.

John Syverson had his arm broken while trying to crank his car. Jacob Jensen called on Ed Baalson Spring Hill Miss Alma Laubach returned to her home here after a week's visit with her grandmother, Mrs. John Wander, at Melrose. Frank Athmann is employed at the Math Laubach home. Miss Adella Loehr was a caller at Melrose Friday.

Henry Neubauer was a caller with home folks over the week-end. Misses Louisa and Clara Marthaler of West Union, were callers at the Rev. J. M. Buscher home last week, Christ Athmann was a business caller here Monday.

Mike Wander was a caller at Melrose Tuesday. Miss Vernie Winter returned to her home after a few years employment in Minneapolis. Math and Leo Neubauer were callers at Sauk Centre Sunday. Roscoe Alex Zaczkowski of Minneapolis vis ited with his parents here on Sunday Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Nierenhausen are the happy parents of a baby girl born last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nierenhausen and son Leander and Misg Catherine Dingman of Paynesville left Saturday to spend a few days at the Twin A number of local skat players at tended the tournament held at Melrose on Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Math Solinger are the proud parents of a son, born on Thurs day. Miss Mary Ann Hassler was a caller at St. Cloud Saturday and Sunday. Miss Louise Muggli was a caller at Cold Spring one day last week.

Conrad Sauer was a caller at St Cloud on Friday. John Rothstein was an over Sunday caller at Melrose. John Dombrowski spent Sunday at his home at Springfield, Minn. There will be a card party at the local hall next Monday, January 21 given by the ladies mission for the benefit of the St. Agnes church.

Palmer School has been resumed in district 24 after the Christmas vacation. The Norbert Goennor family are around again after a two week's illness of the flu. Mr3. William Peterson called on Mrs. Ted Witchcn Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Bocrger visited at John Andersons Sunday. Dr. Parent of Foley was a profess ional caller at the Paul Kampa home last week." Bill Blackhurst of Big Lake enjoy ed fishing on Briggs lake and visiting his mother in law, Mrs. Hollindex.

Mr. and Mrs. Christians of St. Cloud called at Herman Holtinders last Friday and also looked over their summer resort at Elk Lake. Game Begins at 8 P.

M. at Armory Here Mankato Has Strong Outfit. TECHS AT BUFFALO Cathedrals Face Hardest Bat tie of Season on De La Salle Floor. St. Cloud's up and coming Teachers college basketball quint takes on Its first real conference foe tonight at the armory, 'when It bumps Into the touted caging combination from Mankato Teachers college.

The game will be played In the armory here and will start at p.m. While the Teachers are locking horns with one of their most traditional rivals In the southern division of the LUtle Ten conference, two other St. Cloud teams will be struggling hru gruelling sessions with powerful combinations. Cathedral Faces Test. The Cathedrals, after two weeks vacation, are in Minneapolis tonight 10 ni3.t tie undefeaied and title-bent DeLaSalle quint there on the Islanders' floor.

DeLaSalle lost out in the northwest parochial tournament finals 1 1- Cathedral last winter, and since that time, has not met defeat. The Cathedrals, who won the northwest -itle, and went to the Chicago national tourney, have not been defeated jow in 31 scheduled games. It should le one the most bitterly fought battles in the state this year. Vh Cathedral squad left this afternoon In private cars for Minneapolis, and will return late tonight. Coach Kuffel stated that Bauerly, crack forward, who injured his foot a short time ago, will not play unless an extreme emergency arises.

To fill in the ap, Kuffe'. is expected to move Schaef-sr to forward opposite Larson, put Smuda at floor guard and Hoch-prng at back guard. Koshioi likely will also see service at guard. Techs Are favorites. The Techs, improving rapidly from game to game, meet a tartar foe to night in Buffalo at Buffalo.

Each year ther.e two schools battle it out in bas ketball, and each time they figure in the championship race. Buffalo has a seasoned quint that has been doing a lot of traveling l.his past holiday vacation period, and will be hard to bump on its own floor. The Hallstrom-Reugel-Carlson-Doane- Armstrong combination probably will tart the game tonight, Coach Nichols indicated. A number of other important tilts are booked for tonight. Teachers college plas its third home game of the- week tomorrow night, meeting St.

Paul Concordia ollege at the armory. BIG TEN BREAKS A. A. RELATIONS Northwestern, Ohio State Pull Aw ay Other Teams Follow in Order. Chicago, Jan.

IS (AP) The western conference has broken off relations with the Amateur Athletic union of American and henceforth will conduct its own athletic meets independently, Major John L. Griffith, conference athletic commissioner, revealed today. The action, which Major Griffith said was agreed to by every member of the conference, culminates a quarrel be tween the two organizations, which has been simmering for years but which reached Its breaking point this week when Northwestern university and Ohio State rebelled at A. A. U.

policies. Northwestern decided to break with the A. A. U. when the latter organization refused to sanction a swimming meet between the Purple and the Chicago Athletic association because several of Its swimmers had competed in an unsanctioned meet last summer.

Ohio State followed suit yesterday when it decided to run the Ohio relays without seeking A. A. U. sanction as in the past. Major Griffith predicted the Big Ten action soon would be followed by other members of the National, Intercollegiate Athletic association, which said was "Tired of A- A.

U. domination." Dillon Is Defeated. Minneapolis Armand Emanuel, San Francisco, outpointed Harry Dillon, Winnipeg, (10); Roy Michaelson, Minneapolis, knocked out Red Carr, Winnipeg, (2): Jimmy Gibbons, St. Paul, outpointed Tommy Haval, Pine City, (8). Urban Liberty, Somerset, jijtroinled Eddie Nemo, Duluth, (4).

SATURDAY, JAN. 19 By The Associated Press Programs in Central Standard time. All tima is P. M. unless otherwise indicated.

Wavelengths on left of call letters, kilocycles on right. Clear channel station programs in detail, with an appended list of some of the more important regional stations. 293.9 KYW Chicago 1020 2:30 Demonstration Hour 6:30 Uncle Bob 6:00 Orchestra; Organ 7:00 Hotel Orchestra 8:00 Studio Hour 9:00 Orchestra 12:00 Insomnia Club 339.4 WBBM Chicago 770 8:00 South America; Dance 9:00 Jubilee Singers 9:30 Royal Canadians 12:00 Night Club 344.6 WEN Chicago 870 7:15 Farmer Rusk 12:00 Late Variety Program 416.4 WGN-WL1B Chicago 720 6:00 Quin; Nighthawks: Alpnanak 7:00 Radio Floorwalker 8:00 Baritone; Dramatic Story 9:00 Tunes of Broadway 10:00 Features; Popular 12:00 Knights of the Bath 344.6 WLS Chicago 870 5:30 Dinner Muslo 6:10 Music; Sports 6:45 Musical Programs 7:30 Barn Dance (44 hrs.) 447-5 WMAQ Chicago 670 5:15 Topsy Turvy; Orchestras 7:00 Whitney Trio 7:25 Radio Photologue 8:00 Orchestra; Pratt Sherman 454.3 WEAF New York 660 7:00 National Orchestra 8:00 Organ Recital 8:30 Mildred Hunt 9:00 Tunes of Broadway 10:00 Ponce Sisters 10:15 Dance Music 394.5 WJZ New York 760 7:00 Godfrey Ludlow 7:30 Xylophonist; Orient Echoes 8:00 Old Dances; Composers 9:00 Among Ourselves 9:15 "Still Waters Run Deep" 10:00 Slumber Hour 422.3 WOR Newark 710 7:15 Talk; Recital 8:00 Gay Nineties 8:30 Orchestra 405.2 WSB Atlanta 740 2:30 Demonstration Hour 5:30 Dinner Music 6:00 Sunday School Lesson 6:30 Music Box 7:00 Sunday Journal; Entertainment 9:00 Tunes ot Broadway 10:45 WSB Skylark 374.8 BAP Fort Worth 800 6:00 Music 6:30 Sunday School Lesson Program 8:00 Seven Aces: Musical 374.8 KTH3 Hot Springs 800 12:00 Bible Class and Concert 9:00 Dance Frolic News; Vocal 10:30 Organ Program 11:15 Dance Music EASTERN 1 Rockville Mr. and Mrs. C.

F. Eickhoff were visitors at the C. A. Kremer home on Sunday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. William Soule of St. Paul were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Bachel Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Leslie Caswell of Eden Valley was a visitor at the Henry Burger home the week end. Clem Bachel motored to St. Cloud Saturday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Ed. Tauten motored to St. Cloud last Friday to attend the show. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Lipinski and family of Cold Spring spent Sunday afternoon at the Mike Lipinski home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Omundson and family and Miss Clara Mayer of Cold Spring spent Sunday at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Mayer. Mrs. Ed. Kowalkowski of this village entered the St.

Cloud hospital Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kowalkowski motored to St.

Cloud Wednesday afternoon. The Rockville elevator received a carload of corn and a carload of feed. George Molitor and son Michael motored to St. Cloud Sunday. Miss Augusta Kremers motored to Cold Spring to attend high school Monday.

Miss Leona and Augusta Kremer visited at the Henry Meinz home Sun day. Jack Zierden and Lawrence Tim-mers were visitors at the C. A. Krem- mers home Friday evening. Miss Margie and Barbara Bell, Rex Bell and Miss Irene Oster of Cold Spring and Mrs.

Joseph lacobs of St. Cloud were visitors at the J. J. Thei- sen home on Wednesday. The Rockville school received a new set of library books last week.

Al. Hansen, who is sick in the St Cloud hospital with pneumonia for the past two weeks is improving and will be able to come home in the near future. Miss Mary Peltzer, clerk in the Fiet- sara and Landwehr store, is able to be on duty again after two week's sickness. John Gregory is on the sick list Cold Spring Cold Spring was well represented at the Sherman theater the past week Ted Conrad is erecting a new aouDie garage on his property Spring Rock. in Mrs.

P. H. Kray, who was on the sick list the past week is able to be up and around again. Ralph Alexander, who has been ser iously in at the St. Cloud hosnital is on the road to recovery.

The American Legion held a special meeting last Wednesday evening The Thursday Bridge club enter tained at the home of Mrs. John Grossman last Thursday. Miss Lucille Peters of St. Catherine's college, is at home for a vacation. Miss Peters recently underwent an operation in St.

Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gross mourn the death of their little son, Waledmar. four years old.

Mr. and Mrs. Gross reside north of town and the child died at the home Sunday after a few days Illness from croup. Watkins a Waldemar was the older child in the family and was an exceptionally bright little fellow and his, cunning ways and sweet disposition already brought much happiness to his par ents. His sudden death is indeed a sad blow to them.

The funeral took place from the St. Anthony church Tuesday morning, with Rev. Father Roemer officiating. Four of his cousins, Ernest, Aloys and Gilbert Thielen and Polycarp Arnold, acted as pall bearers. Mrs.

Paul Yanish, met with a painful accident last Friday. She fell while carrying a pail of hot water, burning her face and eyes severely. Here is hoping for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Ruth Kaufman is very sick with the flu.

William May was a St. Cloud visitor last Sunday. Bill Decker was operated on at the local hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. Maus and daughters, Hedwig and Justina were Twin city visitors a few days last weekend. Miss Mary Ley of Richmond visited few days last week at the S. J.

Ley home. Mrs. W. H. Klafflesh and daughter of Cass Lake visited a few days with the former's father, William May here.

Frank and Theodore Erpelding and sister Eleanor left last week for Iowa to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. William Manuel and Miss El eanor Graf were St. Cloud visitors last week. Mr.

and Mrs. Math Dockendorf and son Nick returned last Wednesday from a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gales at Boyd, la. Joe Leasch and sister Lena return ed home last Tuesday from a few days visit with their Lister, Mrs.

Oscar Benhal and family at Eagle Grove, la. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maus and daughter Gertrude spent a few days last week with their daughter and son-in-law, Dr.

and Mrs. A. Mahowald at Albany and St. Sister Scholastica at Waite Park. Kaucioipu Keehr and son Ervin were Foley callers Friday.

Carie Stotesbery is laid up with the flu and Steve Kugler is taking care of the stock. Those who spent Wednesday evening with Joseph Flouk were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flouk, Sever Emerson Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Bolagek and son Steve. Frank Hortsch has a new light plant installed on his farm. Mrs. Andrew Emerson returned from Little Falls where she has been in the hospital. The party at the John Gilman home Tuesday was well attended.

Joe Knapek and son Alex of May-hew Lake, visited with Jake Urban- ski Friday. Mable Krall visited at her broth er's place in Lakin a few days last week. John Jaswiak is staying with his brother Walter at Royalton. Bernard Goltz moved on his farm last week. Mr.

and Mrs. E. Sabraski attended tne tuneral of Mr. Sabroski's father in St. Cloud.

The Morrill Rural Telephone com pany held a meeting Saturday at the wuie nock hall. Not very many at tended the meeting from here, due to me cold weather. Joseph Kubat visited a few days wbi week at the Ben Tieve home. 'lns. Kruchten and daughter and John Meyer motored to Tlerz Thurs- day.

Morrill 9:00 Mid Evening Organ 9:30 Orchestra 10:00 News; Dance Hour S48.6 WABC New 850 8:00 Tramp! Tramp! 8:30 Vaudedreme 9:30 Dance 10:00 Songs; Dance 305.9 KDKA Pittsburgh 889 6:30 Literature Gems; Talk 7:00 Godfrey Ludlow 7:30 WJZ Programs 9:00 Dance Hour 379.5 WGY Schenectady 790 7:00 National Orchestra WEAF Programs 9:00 Tunes of Broadway 10:00 Dance Hour SOUTHERN WESTERN 365.6 WHAS' Louisville 820 12:30 Demonstration Hour 6:30 Studio Concert 7:00 National Orchestra 8:00 Studio Concert- 9:00 Tunes of Broadway 10:00 Greater Louisville iviianigni Dance 461.3 WSM Nashville 650 6:30 Newscasttng; Dr. Klein 7:30 Orchestra 8:00 Barn Dance; Features 252 WOAI San Antonio 1190 2:30 Demonstration Hour 9:00 Tunes of Broadway 352-7 KWK Shreveport 850 9:30 Musical Programs (2V4 hrs.) 254.1 EX Portland 1180 10:00 Musical Comedy; Review 10:20 News; Showboat Frolic 11:00 Good Citizenship Program 11:30 Dance Muslo 265.3 KSL Salt Lake City 1120 7:00 National Orchestra 9:00 Tunes of Broadway 10:00 Novelty Program 11:00 Amateur Night 11:30 Dance Musio 12:00 Coyote Club 440.9 KPO San Francisco 688 7:00 National' Orchestra 8:00 Chain Features 11:00 Dance Band 12:00 Chain Features (2 hrs.) 309.1 KJR Seattle 970 9:00 Melodies and Memories 10:00 Orchestra 11:00 Novelty Program; Orchestra Quartet; Showboat FroU 254.1 KOB State College 1180 8:30 Orchestra Recital KC Time on Air 920 Local and WEAF Proes. 610 620 590 650 1460 920 1320 Music; Nighthawks Musical Programs Musical Features Local and Chain Prosl. Musio and Features Studio and Chain Dance Prosram 361.2 KOA Denver 830 2:20 Demonstration Hour 6:00 Orchestral Talk 7:00 National Symphony Orchestra 9:0 Tune3 of Broadway 10:00 Sunday School Lesson 10:30 Dance Orchestra 468.5 KFI Los Angeles 640 7:00 National Orchestra Variety Hour 9:00 Tunes of-Broadway 10:00 Studio Program 11:00 Concert Orchestra: Symphonet Midnight Frolic 285.5 KNX Los Angeles 1050 8:00 Playgoers Club; Features 10:05 Announcement; Feature Prog. 11:00 Mr.

and Mrs. 11:30 Feature Program Midnight Express 379.5 KGO Oakland 790 7:00 National Orchestra 8:00 Three Boys; Sports 9:00 Tunes of Broadway 10:00 The Cafnlval; Legends 12:00 The Big Show (2 hrs.) REGIONAL STATIONS Slation WWJ WDAF WTMJ WOW ksi KSTP KPRC Detroit 325.9 Kansas City 491.5 Milwaukee 4X3.6 Omaha 508.2 i t. Louis 545.1 St. Paul 205.4 Houston 325.9 New Orleans 227.1.

St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.